Experiential Reviews: From Passive to Purposeful
Book reviews aren’t just for the elite, the intellect, or the educated.
Since I started sharing with friends that I was planning on publishing book reviews, the very first question people asked me was “what made you want to do that?”
There wasn’t any monetary value attached to it. None of my book reviews were going to be published under the Medium Partner Program, and I wasn’t planning on writing for a publication aside from my website and medium account. So, what was the point?
After sitting with that question for a while, I thought I would explain the content my book reviews contain and how they differ from an average book review you may read elsewhere.
An experiential review ties together both personal experience to a work of finished literature of any genre. It showcases how the book resonated with the reviewer, how they were able to reflect on their own personal experience, and how it aided them in their own personal growth from the start to the finish of the work.
I could include the a short biography about the author, a summary about the book, and other details that frankly, for the average reader isn’t going to be important, but I wanted to be more personal than that.
I wanted to make sure any book review I published for the world to read had a purpose attached to it, whether than something that made it seem like I was saying “I have these certain credentials, therefore, I am more qualified to recommend this book to you.” All of that is fine and dandy, but at the end of the day, who really cares?
What matters most is what the reader is going to get out of that specific book and whether they need to read it or not.
I am not a perfect human being, nor am I better than anyone else. However, I have been through a lot in the last twenty-three years of my life, and I do feel like sharing my experiences and how I got through them, can help someone else. I can guarantee these book reviews will change as I publish them and recieve feedback from my lovely readers.
That’s all.
If you are interested in having me review your book — I read and review all genres — please feel free to shoot me a message via my Instagram account, or email me at victoria@coffeeshopentertainment.com!
If you think my concept on book reviews is cool, enjoy reading my articles, poetry, or just like looking at my face, hold that clap button all the way down, and follow me on Medium and Instagram!